The Germans fired back and hit the no 4 engine and this busted into flames too. Pipkin gave the crew order to Bail out. And he disapered out back to the bomb bay door .
Every crew member got out of the Plane.
The Pilot George Pipkin - Jumped out of the Bomb Bay door. Whit him Galliozzi - Helmer - McCaskey and Wengert. All of them got out before the Body of the B-24 burst into flames.
The Bomb.Navigator Holmes could not go the same way out so he took his escape out of Hatch in front of the Liberator.
The Co-pilot onboard Barron - was trying to get to the Bombbaydoor - But the Plane had gone into flames - and he went back to the Pilot seat and opened the tophatch and toke a good grib on the two 50 cal. Maschineguns on the top of the B-24. He swinged his body up and was now on top of the of the Plane. He looked back and could see the 2 Vetical Stabilisors and he knew he would hit one of them when he let go.
Because it was a bright Moonlight night he could see the Ground - and he let his grip go. He hit one of the vertical Stabilisors. And his muscle on his right leg dropped out and his right arm out of its socket- He tumblet round in the air and got a hold to his Parachute and after 5-10 sekunds he landed on the ground - after a little while he barried his chute and his Gun. He could see a little farm near by.
He crawled to the farm -His leg hurt very much. He found a little barn and crawled in.
He now sat on the floor and was Frightend and cold, he could suddenly hear some sounds from a room nearby.
A door opened and a Man stod in the Doorway- Barron said to him he needed help. The Man said to him he could not help him ( HE WAS AFRAID OF THE GERMANS. KIM)
The man said to him to go to a nearby Railroad.
"There will come some help to you " he said.
Barron went out and found the Railroad nearby.
After a while a man came on a driven bicycle on the tracks. He stopped and toke Barron up onboard. He toke Barron to the Town nearby called Skjern. Here he suddenly stopped and went into a little house- shortly after he came back whit a Man and a Woman and they all toke him inside the house.
The Woman toke some Danish Snaps 45% alcohol and gave him a big glas and put the rest in his wounded leg - so she could put the muscle into his leg again. She then toke a little hankechief and set it on the wound.
The people talked to eacother and Barron could not understand them. One of them said in English - They will try to get a hold of the Resistance to help Barron.
Suddenly they could see- out of the Window that a German soldier was standing there. Co-pilot Barron got arrested and after a few days the put him on a train going for Germany. He spend the last days of the war in Prisoncamp in Germany and Poland.