Here almost 60 years after the crash - only 2 members is still alive.
Pilot George Pipkin - Past away in April 2001. (He is in my memories )Gunner Vincent Galliozzi - live in Montana
Co-pilot Israel M. Barron (now Mackey Barron) Lives in Conneticut
All of them have my deppest respect.
We always are very good to member all the Allied airmen who died under the Battle of Europe. And we all have seen there memorie stone standing around. We put flowers on there Graves and give them all the credit.
But let me say thanks to all you Allied soldiers who fight for us (Europe) Under the second world war. I admire you all for the courase you all had for this assiment.
May God take care of you all - my Friends.
And may you have a good long life
Kim Juhler
Danish representive for 801st/492nd Bomb Gr
The Carpetbaggers